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WADA defends pick of Swiss prosecutor under scrutiny in review of Chinese swimmers case

来源:Planet Pages news portal编辑:style时间:2024-05-01 05:04:34

GENEVA (AP) — The World Anti-Doping Agency on Tuesday defended the “strong reputation” of its choice of veteran Swiss prosecutor Eric Cottier to review how it handled the case of positive doping tests by 23 Chinese swimmers.

Cottier is “entirely independent” of WADA and international sports, it said, even as scrutiny of him increased over his friendship with a longtime colleague who worked with the agency and his enquiries into German broadcaster ARD’s previous investigation of a separate Olympic sport.

Cottier has been given until a few weeks before the start of the Paris Olympics in July to report on WADA’s acceptance in 2021 — in the months before the Tokyo Olympics and 2022 Beijing Winter Games held in a public health lockdown — of Chinese authorities’ explanation that the swimmers were contaminated by a banned heart medication found in a hotel kitchen.

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